Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Story

To all of you who may be interested I will tell you how Graham and I met. I had just moved out of my parents house not long before I met him. I had applied for a new job, on account of getting fired (for the 3rd or 4th time) from my current job. I got a cashier position at Lowe's where they quickly put me in outdoor lawn and garden. Which would have been great, except for the fact they didn't tell me so I had no coat.... did I mention it was about 30 something out there (yes dad, I know you told me so and I should have worn a jacket if it was that cold anyway). The only part that made it bareable was this cute guy that worked in the department. I envied him. Mainly because he got to walk around outdoor lawn and garden, drive the forklift and was able to use the restroom whenever he wanted. For those of you who don't know, working as a cashier means you must beg for your break and beg to use the restroom (especially when they have stuck at the furthest end of the store by yourself). Anyway, I was trying to hover as close to the little heater at my station as I could, but I heard some rustling near me so I turned around and there was Graham picking up an area to get it ready for the spring. He was so incredibily cute. He smiled at me and my heart almost stopped. He had the bluest eyes and the most perfect smile. He was wearing a waterway jacket, a beanie, and some dark tight pair of bluejeans. This is funny now because at the time he dressed VERY different from most people see exhibit A. He even went out of his way to have what he called a devil lock in his hair! So we talked for a few minutes as I tried to look calm, cool and collected, but inside my stomach was doing flips! We had a mutual friend in the department his name is Justin. I knew him because he was my roomates boyfriend and Graham new him because he worked in the department. So Graham thought he would ask Justin for information. Which would have been a good idea, but Justin told him I thought another guy that worked in a different department was cute. Once Graham heard that he says he just thought forget it. (Mainly because the other guy was a dork and anyone that would like some one like that.... well maybe he didn't want to date them anyway) So. I see Justin later and ask him about Graham and he procedes to tell me that Graham had asked him about me and that he told him I liked this other guy. I wanted to KILL him. So now I am desperate. Desperate to make sure Graham knows that I only thought the other guy was cute until I layed eyes on him. They had moved me inside now at the last cash register. Graham came into check out, which was done at the closest registers to customer service. So I yell down to him from across the store to come down to my register. (Yes I made the first move) He came down and I asked him to join me at the St. Patty's Day parade. We didn't make it to the parade because my friends left me, so I spent the day trying to get a hold of him hoping he didn't think I ditched him. I finally got a hold of him and met him downtown for our first date and we haven't been apart since.

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