Friday, November 7, 2008

For Kayla

...who tagged me!--
Tag Directions:
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.--Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their name as well as links to their blog.--Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I am super afraid of fish. That is right fish. Not all fish, but if they are larger them me or have teeth I do not like them. I do like little fish, in fact I used to sit on the edge of my parents Pier and let them nibble on my toes.

2. I want to get fit enough that I can participate in a triathlon or do the New York City Marathon. I just can't seem to get out of bed in the morning to workout, I would much rather dream about being in one, while tucked cozily in my bed.

3. I dream of being able to have a job where I can use my creativity and work from anywhere I want to.

4. I wouldn't mind living in the middle of the woods and being self sustaining. I know that sounds weird, but I REALLY don't like being so reliant on technology to get through the day.

5. I LOVE the smell of cut wood. When I was little my dad would let me come out to his shop. He has every saw and tool imaginable. I would watch him think up an idea and build it. I LOVED doing that and to this day every time some one cuts would I huff the smell in like it is going out of style.

6. I fell through the ice once when I was ice skating. Man was that COLD.

7. I wake up each day thinking how lucky I am to live in this country and how blessed my life has truly been. I have 6 yes 6 wonderful parents and the best family anyone could ask for. My friends would be there in a millisecond and my husband loves me unconditionally. I might not be the richest person monetarily, but my life is VERY RICH.

I am supposed to tag 7 people, but the fact is, I don't have 7 people to tag. No one I know has a blog so I can't tag anyone on here. I thought I would still participate so everyone could see 7 lil' tidbits about me.

Kayla: I know you will appreciate this because you know who this person is, so I am throwing this one out as a total bonus. I used to have the biggest, dorkiest crush on Jordan Bender. Of course he doesn't hold a candle to Graham, but I thought you could laugh hysterically at this and maybe forget about the ribs for a minute or two. Bahahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. had me cracking up with the fish one!! But the Jordan Bender crush is a good one too :)

    Hope you have a good Monday!!!
