Friday, March 19, 2010


I was watching t.v. the other night and there was this sign that came up. It said, "To not decide is to decide." So, right there I decided to decide yes or no, instead of just decide to decide........ and I have decided to go for it! I really need the exercise people. So last night I spoke with G about it and he agreed that he would ride his bike while I ran so he could watch out for any boogie men lurking in the bushes. I haven't been able to find a running partner so I am grateful he is willing to do this for me.
This week has been a crazy one. G was sick. VERY SICK. He came down with what I had a couple of weeks ago, and let me tell ya, you do not want any of that! So, needless to say he was down for the count and snoring (and coughing). We also had daylight savings time! YAY..... I know many people dislike it being light so late, and maybe I will once I have children, but for me it means I no longer have to wake up in the dark and go home in the dark. I can actually go outside and enjoy some playtime! I get excited about it..... all but the whole springing forward part. I tell you all of this because I am not so happy when I have a lack of sleep. So this week has been particularly hard with G up, which means I am also up, and the getting up an hour earlier! This has had me hitting the caffeine a lot more then I would like, but what can you do?
We (The Shertz fam and I) went to see the Jimmi Hendrix tribute tour on Tuesday evening. It was pretty awesome. Brandy has the pictures from that. I will share, after I ask her for a copy of them.
We celebrated 8 years of togetherness the following day (St. Patty's Day is our dating anniversary)! Yes we still celebrate the dating anniversary, because we were together for so long before getting married so it is still a milestone for us. We both took the day off and celebrated in our PJ's because Graham was still in bed sick. We did get Chilis and eat it at home on the couch. That was a treat, as we have been trying to not eat out.
We are now all preparing for when Missy, Julia, & Tyler come out. I am giddy with excitement even though it is still a couple weeks out. We will be going camping, celebrating Easter, Mr. Tyler's bday, Karen & Wayne's anniversary, and Andrew's bday while they are out here! We are all praying it stays warm and dry for our camping trip so any additional prayers sent up would be greatly appreciated.
Well, that is all for today. Since we spent Tuesday at a tribute to Jimmi Hendrix I will sign off with a quote from him that goes with a lot of the Proverbs I have been reading in my Bible, "Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." Hopefully one day I will be wise.

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