Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just another one of my "ticks"

So, our grass has gotten a little long. Mainly because my poor husband has been working early and staying late, and we had family out from CA so mowing the lawn has not been our priority. I tell you this boring tid bit as a preface to yet another spastastic episode in my life.

So, we let Rufus outside to play and he comes back in the house with a friend (maybe more, but I only know of 1) unbeknownst to us. He comes in lays on the couch, lays on my lap, lays all over the house cuz that is what dogs do. Ahhhh to be a dog.... anyway back to the story at hand. I get up from said couch and go back to bed. Before turning in I read my Bible, and just as I go to turn in and I am pulling up the blankets I feel and see something crawling on me. I say, "ohhhhh something is on me, see it sprinting down my arm and immediately flick it off." Which I think is a natural reaction, but Graham is not amused. See he has just turned in for the night as well and needs to get up uber early. He says, ummmm honey that could have been a tick off Rufus.

I immediately hop up and turn on the light to check out the area next to my bed for any ticks. I throw back the covers, check myself, nothing. I now am refusing to turn off the lights and crawl back into a possibly tick infested bed, Graham is again not amused. He just wants to go to sleep. He does not even want to check the bed or anything around him. He perplexes me. See, I think there is anything remotely like that anywhere near me and full on panic sets in. He is just calm, cool, collected, and just peacefully tucked in his blankets. (Man I wish I could be like that) He begs me to turn off the lights and go to bed, but I just can't do that without finding the perpetrator to see if it is in fact a tick or just a cute little lady bug. I cannot find anything and Graham really needs the light out. So.... I convince myself it was a lady bug and crawl back in bed and turn out the light.

Every 30 minutes or so I awake to the feeling of something crawling on my legs. I check to see if there is anything and nothing. So I go back to sleep, again I wake up to the same feeling so I check again.... nothing. Check one more time, go to turn the covers back over and low and behold, the same creature is back on the same arm crawling down it. I get ready to flick then pause..... I get a DO-OVER!!! So I brush it off my arm and onto the bed. I jump up, turn on my light, and check it out. IT IS A TICK!!!! Now I am totally disgusted. Disgusted isn't even the word. I got a chill, then a little convulsion throughout my body and I have this urge to just cling to myself and shriek, but..... I look at Graham. He is snoring and unaware I am freaking out and stuck up against my closet door. He needs to sleep so he can get up early. So I stealthily reach for a Kleenex and pick it up. I am gagging, but trying to silently do so for G's sake. I make a bolt, in the dark to the bathroom and plunge the Kleenex into the toilet.

But, I can't help but wonder, did I really get it? I mean, I didn't feel anything in the tissue. Another full on panic. Is it on me, in my hair, on the bed, or really in that tissue? So I get out the toilet brush and I am trying to unfold the tissue with it to verify the tick is really in there. A few terrifying seconds later..... THERE IT IS floating in the toilet. Not just floating, but swimming! I made sure to drown that sucker and then proceeded to wake Graham up anyway to prove to him that it was in fact a tick and I did have reason to be worried. I disguised that motive by telling him I just wanted him to check himself.... which I did, but I also wanted to prove I had a right to be eeked out earlier in the evening...... then I stop and think.... wait a minute I should have totally woke him up to pick up that nasty thing. Instead he got to quietly sleep through tick meltdown 2010!

Needless to day Graham is mowing the lawn, I am going to Lowe's to purchase stuff to put on said lawn, the dog has been washed and had his flea, tick, & mosquito treatment put on, I have checked every cushion on the couch, washed our sheets, and am currently looking for a steamer to go through the house with for precautionary measures!!! YEEEUCK!!!! I am also purchasing some sulfur, putting it in a sock, and dusting under my couch cushions (just a little) to keep those nasty things out of my couch in the future!!!

On a lighter note Matt went to Prom last weekend and I went with mom to take pictures. So here are a couple of my faves. He went with the Prom Queen and was also a nominee himself!!!! Shelby (his date) is just beautiful and I was happy to get to meet her. They all looked mighty fabulous!!!

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